What the future may hold in store.

Hopefully you’ve had a chance to read about our new app, Beeper Mini. If not, check it out first!

In addition to the Beeper Mini news, we’re also announcing a product name change and sharing our near-term product roadmap.

Beeper is now Beeper Cloud

Today, we are renaming our original Beeper apps to Beeper Cloud to clearly differentiate its cloud-based architecture from Beeper Mini’s client-side architecture.

A little bit of history. We started inviting our first beta users to Beeper Cloud in 2020. Even though it’s still in beta, over 25,000 of you sent messages on Beeper Cloud yesterday! With your feedback, we’ve been iterating rapidly on our quest to build the best chat app on earth. One of our most difficult challenges has always been to securely integrate with encrypted chat networks, like iMessage. Our first system architecture used Mac servers in a data center as relays, but this system wasn’t perfect.

Everything changed in August when a security researcher reverse engineered the iMessage protocol. He published pypush, a proof of concept Python library that enables any type of computer to send and receive end-to-end encrypted messages over the iMessage protocol. This had never been done before – it was a groundbreaking, gigantic achievement of genius and hard work. We immediately began working with him to integrate his research into Beeper Mini and eliminate the need for Mac relay servers.

Unlike Beeper Cloud, which runs Matrix bridges on cloud servers, Beeper Mini connects directly to the remote network. No Matrix server or cloud bridges involved.

If you already use Beeper, you can use Beeper Mini alongside Beeper Cloud. It’s still useful to have Beeper Cloud because there are no Beeper Mini desktop or iOS apps yet.

Product Roadmap

Beeper Mini is now available on Android for anyone to download, no waitlist. There is a waitlist to use Beeper Cloud. Why? Because its cloud server architecture is quite expensive for us to operate and scale up.

At a high level, here’s our product plan for the near future (in very rough order, and very subject to change):

  1. Listen to feedback, fix bugs and build a few quick win features into Beeper Mini. Some of the things we’re working on:

    • Import past chat history

    • Full text search

    • Block list

    • Chat history backup and export

    • Android OS chat bubbles

    • Foldable/tablet UI

    • Facetime audio and video calls

    • Scheduled messages

      If you have suggestions/feedback/bugs, please send us a message in-app: ⚙️ gear icon → Report a problem. We read every single bit of feedback and use it to help prioritize our roadmap.

  2. Add support for SMS, WhatsApp and Signal into Beeper Mini, using the same end-to-end encrypted client-side connection architecture. No cloud servers in the middle.

  3. Add Matrix support, and the other 10 non-encrypted chat networks into Beeper Mini.

  4. Update our desktop and iOS apps with our beautiful new design language, and client-side end-to-end encrypted connection architecture.

  5. Rename Beeper Mini to Beeper, since it’s not very mini at this point.

  6. Deprecate Beeper Cloud and migrate all users over to Beeper.

The speed at which we do steps 3-6 depend entirely on how many subscribers we get for Beeper Mini, and therefore how much money we have to spend on development. If you are a Beeper Cloud user who has been using the app for free, now is the time to support us! Please buy a subscription to Beeper Mini and help us fund development.

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63 responses to “Beeper Cloud and Product Roadmap Update”

  1. Daniel | harka.com Avatar
    Daniel | harka.com

    Awesome work! Thanks for sharing the insights!


  2. Kynan Avatar

    How does this affect the previous announcements of Beeper going free and Beeper Plus? Once Beeper Mini turns into just Beeper will it still continue to have the subscription fee? If so, is that covered by the ‘free lifetime Beeper Plus’ promised in that announcement?


    1. Noah Avatar

      I’m also curious about this.


      1. OG Avatar

        It is. When I downloaded and signed in with my Beeper email address, Beeper Mini informed me that my lifetime access was active.


      2. Louis Q Avatar
        Louis Q

        Hello – was your beeper email address a gmail one ? Mine is not and I couldn’t find anywhere to sign in to my beeper email. I had no choice but to log in to beeper mini with a gmail address. Thx


  3. Pedro Gelabert Avatar
    Pedro Gelabert

    Thank you all for the hard work! I am excited to be on this journey with you!


  4. Cam H Avatar
    Cam H

    This is great news. I was part of that other texting company (☀️ 🐦) that recently screwed up before switching over to Beeper earlier this year. I’ve enjoyed using Beeper to text with everyone in my family that refuses to switch over to the smart side (Android). I plan on using Beeper Mini. I am curious how this new service will effect Apple finally getting RCS texting next year?


  5. Sebastiaan Avatar

    Deeply concerning and almost certainly the beginning of the end for Beeper as soon as Apple comes and kills it.


    1. Sebastiaan Avatar

      And… Apple killed it. All that time and money wasted.
      Am I going to pay for Beeper without iMessage, which I really enjoyed using? No, trust is gone now thanks to this hubris here. 🤦


    1. Joe Avatar

      I believe they will hang their hat on this DMCA Exemption:
      Section (f) Reverse Engineering, Subsection (2)


    2. Bryce Avatar

      Breaking terms of service is not inherently illegal. The terms are between companies and users of their products, they’re not the law.


  6. Ethan Avatar

    Will my Beeper Cloud subscription carry over to Beeper Mini?


    1. Ethan Avatar

      I reached out to Beeper Support to clarify this and they said:
      “Yep! If you paid for Beeper, Beeper Mini is included. Just make sure to use the same email for both! – G”


      1. Jules Taylor Avatar
        Jules Taylor

        So I assume the referral code they’re asking is related to people who had paid like you then?


  7. Tim G Avatar
    Tim G

    Do you have an ETA on the import chat history & RCS/SMS integration?

    That is the one thing holding me back from defaulting to Beeper and subscribing past the trial. Beeper Mini imported a VERY small fraction of my conversations. I needed to start a new chat in Beeper Mini for most conversations, even with iPhone users such as my wife. Her phone has me coming through the same message thread in her iMessages, while I see a new conversation in Beeper and all of our old chats (going back 8 years) are in Google Messages (SMS/RCS).


    1. Albert Avatar

      This comment is exactly right. Beeper needs to do SMS so all the text chats can be on the same app.


    2. Justin Avatar

      I don’t care about the sms / RCS going into beeper mini, but I’m waiting as well on my past imessages populating into beeper mini. I have to have my past messages for my business


    3. Iiro Laiho Avatar
      Iiro Laiho

      I am also interested to know if the RCS support is going to be a true, self-contained RCS implementation, or will it utilize the Web remote control API of the Google Messages app?


  8. Bryce Avatar

    Do you think Snapchat support will ever be possible? I’m guessing it would also need reverse engineering though. Might be tricky.


  9. Rob Avatar

    okay what about self hosting instances of beeper? will that still be seeing support when beeper cloud is deprecated?


  10. Mike Avatar

    I wonder if the Beeper team will consider providing support for “Find My” queries. I believe there’s already active open source development on this: https://github.com/biemster/FindMy


  11. bkh Avatar

    Are there any plans to integrate Google Voice into Beeper?


    1. Justin Avatar

      They said Google voice isn’t an option… something on Google voices end I think


      1. Anon y mouse Avatar
        Anon y mouse

        Why can’t they integrate with the app like they do with Whatsapp or Signal?
        I understand if I can’t use my Google Voice number in Beeper Mini to show up as blue bubbles, but it feels like there has to be some solution here.


      2. Justin Avatar

        Look at the product road map link. It explains it


      3. Anon y mouse Avatar
        Anon y mouse

        Could you quote me that bit, or link to another doc?
        I’ve read this one 3 times and don’t see any reference to Google Voice.


  12. rd Avatar

    If the now Beeper Cloud is going to be discontinued in the end, I hope they open source the client app and make it able to connect to other matrix server.


  13. Rob Avatar

    Another great thing would be the ability to name group chats.


  14. Justin Avatar

    Dang too bad past messages from beeper cloud don’t upload to beeper mini. Would love to use and subscribe but in my line of work, I need my past messages

    Also, the messages I was sending from beeper mini weren’t syncing to imessage on my iPhone. I was signed into my apple id


  15. Corey Avatar

    While this is amazing progress and everything on this roadmap addresses most of the key concerns I have, there is still a MAJOR component holding me back from making this my default messaging app, which is none other than RCS support. Since Apple is adopting RCS, RCS needs to absolutely have just as much (if not more) focus than SMS/MMS, as it will become the new minimum standards for texting between people. In order for you to build the “ultimate messaging app”, iMessage, RCS, and SMS/MMS needs to be under one single umbrella and all display into one single conversation per contact with priority in that order. Support for WhatsApp, Discord, Signal, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and everything else can come later since we still have that functionality in Beeper Cloud. Successfully integrating and combining iMessage, RCS, & SMS/MMS seamlessly into one application is the winning ticket for winning over the North American market, since they are the biggest focus on this whole issue. Add RCS to this list as a priority, and I believe you’ll win me over along with the rest of North America.


    1. Corey Avatar

      Also, I noticed there is a lack of functionality between Beeper Cloud and Beeper Mini when using an Apple ID, which isn’t listed here.


      1. Colton Walker Avatar
        Colton Walker

        No, it does work. You have to link the phone number to your Apple ID in beeper mini, and then it will work in Beeper cloud.


      2. Corey Avatar

        You didn’t read my reply thoroughly. I understand that while you are able to link your Apple ID, I said that there is a lack of functionality with it. Specifically, some Beeper Mini conversations don’t even appear in Beeper Cloud, and the ones that do appear show as a random number instead of their proper contact name and profile picture. Until RCS, SMS/MMS has been fully ported over and the app has enough features and functionality me to make it my default messenger (and until ultimately Beeper Cloud is swallowed), strong cross-functionality between Beeper Cloud and Beeper Mini is necessary.


      3. Colton Walker Avatar
        Colton Walker

        That’s odd; I don’t have any of those issues. All my iMessages that I message in Beeper Mini show up in Beeper Cloud with proper contact info. Is your Beeper Cloud app synced to the same contacts system that your phone uses? It sounds like a setup issue or sync issue rather than a structural problem – it worked immediately for me, and perfectly no issues.


  16. Anon y mouse Avatar
    Anon y mouse

    > It’s still useful to have Beeper Cloud because there are no Beeper Mini desktop or iOS apps yet.

    6. Deprecate Beeper Cloud and migrate all users over to Beeper.

    Does that mean we’ll eventually get Beeper (mini) for desktop? How will that work for things like iMessage that still require SMS? Or will Beeper Cloud still exist for desktop, just not phones?


  17. Hardik Panjwani Avatar
    Hardik Panjwani

    What’s Beeper Plus? I joined the waitlist for Beeper in May 22, was invited to use the app in June 23 and have been using it regularly since then.

    I understand that Beeper Mini seems to be using a different process than what was being used by Beeper, which is now being called Beeper Cloud.

    But what’s Beeper Plus that people are taking about? Was there a kickstarter campaign or something?


  18. marc Avatar

    Does this mean that Matrix Bridges to encrypted networks like WhatsApp will cease to be maintained once those are brought to the new architecture?

    😭 That’s how I get WhatsApp into Emacs!


  19. Shane Avatar

    I’ve been using beeper the last day or so and it’s astonished my friends that have iPhones. If it can facetime as well this will be a massive game changer for me personally.


  20. Matt Avatar

    The biggest feature I’m now looking for is solid RCS support in Beeper Mini. With that, I’d make Beeper Mini my default messaging app on Android and would solidify things in a very positive way. WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, etc, are more afterthoughts to me personally. Second to that, I’d like a web version of Beeper Mini so I don’t have to use my phone. Something like Google Messages has with messages.google.com


    1. Colton Walker Avatar
      Colton Walker

      Beeper Mini works with Beeper Cloud on PC.


      1. Matt Avatar

        Yep you’re right, I later realized that all it did was start new conversation threads. So all I need is RCS and I’d love to make Beeper Mini my default android messaging app.


  21. Mike Williams Avatar
    Mike Williams

    Does Beeper not share up in anyone else’s share sheet? When I’m trying to share a link in Android through Beeper, I have to copy and paste the text of the link. Not the end of the world, but if this is a feature that needs built, just hoping it happens soon or if it’s just my issue, at least I’ll know lol.


    1. Danny Avatar

      Came here looking specifically for this.


      1. Mike Williams Avatar
        Mike Williams

        A bit after I posted this, I saw a dev on Reddit reply to a similar post there, and they confirmed it’s not implemented yet and they said they’re actively working on it. Hopefully coming soon!


      2. Danny Avatar

        awesome! glad to hear it


  22. Manaurys Avatar

    Hi I have encountered an issue that when I use the beeper mini app on my phone to register my number to iMessage my Apple watch that is already have paired to my account stops getting message deliver this only happened after I use the Beeper mini app if I deregister and delete the app everything seems to get back to work so I don’t know what type of interference is the app making


  23. Tommy Hermansen Avatar
    Tommy Hermansen

    Perhaps you can include this in xmpp.org


  24. Bill Bonanno Avatar
    Bill Bonanno

    So the beeper team is deleting comments that are not in 100% support of their new direction with Beeper Mini. That’s nice to know. Censorship works best when it’s committed by people who claim to be anti-censorship


    1. Bill Bonanno Avatar
      Bill Bonanno

      This is the comment that was deleted:

      I applaud the new direction not to use cloud servers as it’s much more scalable, but this road map is a slap in the face to the beta testers of Beeper who were told there would be a free version alongside Beeper plus. Now were essentially being told the app we tested for you will be depreciated and we’re being forced to pay a monthly subscription?

      Love the app, but I’m not shelling out a monthly subscription for Beeper. I’m a long believer of owning the things I use and since you guys don’t offer lifetime subscriptions (which I wouldn’t even mind shelling out $30-50 for), now seems like a perfect jumping off point for the people who won’t pay monthly subs.


      1. Colton Walker Avatar
        Colton Walker

        It’s still here isn’t it?

        A little conspiracy theorist imo. Don’t be so negative.


  25. Alex Avatar

    The only suggestions that I’d have and be willing to pay a little bit more than $2 a month is support of dual sim. As it stands now, I have a work phone number and a personal phone number. Being able to use imessage, rcs, and sms/mms would be great.


  26. Brendan Avatar

    Something that’s not entirely clear to me from reading this post: when you say “Add Matrix support, and the other 10 non-encrypted chat networks into Beeper Mini”, do you mean those 10 networks will be added as Matrix bridges (like it’s already the case in Beeper Cloud) or independently from Matrix support?


  27. Alexey Murz Korepov Avatar
    Alexey Murz Korepov

    So, if Beeper Mini doesn’t use cloud like the current Beeper, how do you plan to integrate there other networks like WhatsApp, Discord? The bridge will run inside the app and eat my battery?


  28. jennydude Avatar

    The final paragraph kinda sucks when you’re not planning on being open source. Asking people to fund development of an unfinished product they will have no stake in or guaranteed access to when it’s “finished” is a scummy thing to do imo.


  29. Alex Avatar

    Hello, i have been on waitlist for beep since month, any chance to get an access ? best regards


  30. Anna Avatar

    Does it (or will it) support Screen Time requests that run through iMessage these days?


  31. MC Avatar

    One of the main reasons for using Beeper, for me, was the fact one app could handle multiple services. It is reminiscent of Trillian in the early 2000s IM days which provided a neat UI for MSN, Yahoo, AIM and so on. I’d happily start supporting Beeper with a subscription, but regrettably not at the cost of having to use Signal and an SMS app again. Being allowed into your BETA coincided with Signal ditching SMS support from the signal app, so being able to gain iMessage in the migration was a massive bonus. Until Mini matches that for me, I won’t be switching. I imagine for a lot of users Facebook & WhatsApp would be the key ones. Congratulations though, it sounds like a much neater solution – it always was a bit odd seeing “Bepper” as a device authenticated on iCloud!


  32. nakutende Avatar

    It would be great to know what these unencrypted networks might be.
    I am happy to see Whatsapp,SMS&Signal become merged in one app.
    I hope for Matrix(including Element Call), Mastodon, Discord & Telegram as well as Twitter (now that NY senate might force the API open.
    MS Teams would be nice as well for work.

    Have you thought about adding E-mail? Even the great alternatives to the spying Outlook app or Gmail do not fully support the various extra protocols that MS and Google employ like OWA, MS-Graph or EAW for those pesky companies that disable SMTP&IMAP on their Exchange Servers.
    Get inspired by FairEmail & Delta Chat, Thunderbird & its addons to bring easy & encrypted Mail and Chat to mobile users.


  33. Jack Avatar

    Hi team, firstly, awesome job!

    Is it possible to not just have FaceTime audio and video on the road map, but other apps too?

    Being an android user, I have no issue with not having FaceTime, but do have issue not having Messenger/WhatsApp.. Need to keep the native apps purely for this purpose


  34. Mitch Avatar

    Hello! I would like to pay for the service I’m getting (currently on Beeper cloud) and support Beeper, but I have no interest in the iMessage integration at the moment. Is there a different way I can pay to make sure I’m supporting development?


  35. Christine Avatar

    Is there going to be iOS and desktop support for beeper mini? How can I subscribe to beeper mini if I don’t currently have an android device?


  36. Alex Eckelberry Avatar
    Alex Eckelberry

    I have a Mac and can create a registration code through Terminal. But on Windows, Beeper Cloud no longer has iMessage. Was this removed?


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